Father of two who loves playing with his kids.
Antwerp based Belgian screenwriter
Graduated filmmaker – Brussels
since 2014 am immersed in screenwriting (books, podcasts, … but most importantly writing and reading screenplays)
Selected for a bunch of festivals and received a few awards🏆
Occasional actor

Conceiving stories, developing them and writing screenplays is what I enjoy doing most. I also try to get fiction projects up and running myself as a screenwriter-director.

My own project ideas and screenplays are available for optioning. info@lukasbuys.com
I am always open to staying involved.

As a writer for hire:
I easily adapt to the writing style of others or the tone of an ongoing project.
Strengths: Bold storytelling, conveying mood and tone to the page, quantity of creative ideas and original angles, creating suspense, twists & turns, authentic feel, grounding in the everyday, realistic colloquialisms.

As an author-screenwriter:
I see some of my projects as auteur stories where it is important that I keep at least a watchful eye on the creative side of things. Of course in consultation with everyone involved. That’s why we work together, to support and strengthen each other.

Projects I set up myself:
Here I look for a production partner or team who are motivated or experienced in building and working out the financial and production side of things. I want to contribute to this as much as possible if desired. Building our project together, getting it realized, enjoying it! …and on to the next one.
My familiar way of set-working is with a small and flexible crew. A close collaboration that strengthens each other. When we have the shot we can move on. Running ten takes to achieve perfection will not make the film. If the quality is present, it will shine through from the overall movie.

My own stories often have a dark side or lean toward thriller/horror but always have an authentic feel and are seasoned with humor and creativity. I aim to move the reader and viewer. Often for me this starts with the intellect, through an intriguing plot line -> surprise -> amaze -> marvel. The emotion comes from the characters and the recognizable themes they touch, situations they find themselves in.

“Bold and sharp storytelling and coloring outside the lines and mixing themes and genres. Despite the dark nature of the content, humor is always present. The often many twists & turns and the dynamics in the storytelling style provide the unpredictable nature and a high tantalizing, entertainment level.”

Thanks @DeepL

Warm regards,
Lukas Buys